Life is long, but days are short, and relationships even shorter; the meaning? Only God knows, and it's possibly he's asking himself the same thing. After all, he gave us free will, as he thought that would prove for the best. Mostly it has..... but what's up with these natural disasters...... they can't all be blamed on humans for "polluting the earth". Or can it? Then of course, I am still stuck in the middle of it all, like everyone else, and to make sense of it all?
The best way to make sense of it all is to not think of it at all, which is ignorance at it's highest level. But it's also the answer to "happiness" in a way. So......... the question is..... am I willing to accept complete ignorance to be completely happy? Or do I need some cop-out religion or philosophy or science; all things that have basically been the cause of War in our history.
Ranting on this site is my new thing for when I don't have someone to talk to. Yea FaceBook, you'll be hearing from me. haha, friggin cyber-space and technology consumes the reality of the majority of many people's lives.......... so is the future way to happiness to live in this other reality of infinite information, web-sites, games, knowledge, television, films, and so much more, or will the Technoligical Revolution we are participating in somehow die, with our economy...... don't you think that could cause complete chaos if everyone lost access to the internet, to cell phones, to video games online, to all these things that have become expected of.
I'm not sure if a 30 year old man 20 years from now who grew up with an Iphone from
age 8 will be able to accept a reality that is so different. But then again, imagine what an 85 year old man has scene in his life: as a teenager he was either in the war or working or running from it; possibly had a brother in the War who they could find out was still alive once every month or 2 by way or writing letter; of course living in depression before and after, where watching a single Film on a black and white screen was the most amazing thing one could ever witness. Then these "computers" come out, and he has his wife and family and one antenna TV in the house to watch whatever...... and overall the overall feeling was "safe" living throughout the 60's, 70's, then things are discovered, while technology increases, so not only is the evil in people coming out more: rape, murder, etc; but the media is their to let us know about it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The "fear" has then become ingrained in life itself, since we hear about random quotes like "every 6 minutes somebody is murdered in the United States"(that's just a guess)....... wow, thanks for letting me know that Mr. Fox, Abc, Nbc, Nazi, CBS and whatever other organizations are so sadistically enjoying the purely sick and twisted side of happenings around the area, and forgetting about most of the good things in the area. Fear sells. Now Mr. 85 year old is too old to do anything but live day by day, knowing he doesn't understand half the things the younger generations do, and it's all just a confusing concept for me to understand. Just look how much that 85 year old man got to see........ mafia, WW2, great depression, vietnam, counter-culture, the technological boom, the Film industry becoming it's own nation, just like the computer industry; everything improving technologically while everything outside is deteriorating or decreasing. What would you think of your country then?
Meh, I'll end the rant for now. Yes, I have random thoughts, some of which come out of the the left and right brain in the middle of the night.......... I believe there's a God, what he, she, is, form of energy it's in is unknown, but what does that even mean?
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